Welcome to Ainu Education! The aim of this site is to provide information about the indigenous Ainu peoples of Japan.

The Ainu originated from Hokkaidō-the northmost island of Japan- and Russia (Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Khabarovsk Krai and the Kamchatka Peninsula).

Official estimates place the total Ainu population at 25,000, but unofficial estimates place its total population at 200,000, because many Ainu have been completely assimilated into Japanese society and as a result, they have no knowledge of their ancestry.

This site aims to provide some more information about the Ainu and what their status is today.
A black and white photograph of two Ainu men sitting next to each other, wearing traditional attire.
Sakhalin Ainu men, photographed by Bronisław Piłsudski.

this site is for educational purposes only. Header image obtained from Wikipedia (originally from "Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People "), taken in 1904 by an unknown photographer.