Web Safety Related Resources

If you have a suggestion for a resource to be posted here,
please email Dr. Kucera - skucera@ut.edu
The National Academies publishes this book for use by those with laboratories. This book is available for free on the
NAS website where you can read it online or download a .pdf file to keep on your computer. UT will also provide you with
a hardcopy, if requested. Contact Dr. Kucera by email and copy your department chair when you make this request.
Regulatory Agencies and Helpful links within their sites:

EPA Hazardous Waste ----- Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

OSHA ---- OSHA's Fall Prevention Campaign ---- OHSA Hand and Power Tools ---- OSHA Laboratory Safety

Free Training Information, Including Videos:

The Lab Safety Institute - Lots of resources and training videos available for free

American Chemical Society (ACS) Chemical Safety Practices and Recommendations

UCSD Collection of Laboratory Safety Training Videos - Includes "A Day in the Life of a PI, Basic Fume Hood Operation, Compressed Gases
Training," etc. Very Helpful for faculty and students

UCLA Laboratory Safety Site - Very comprehensive, in light of their responding to their lab worker fatality. The site includes trainging videos