Alciopid Polychaetes Collected and Photographed by Dr. Stanley A. Rice




Unidentified Alciopid Polychaete after secretion of a

Mucus cloud following collision with another animal.



Typically, a worm produces this mucus cloud when

disturbed, remains inside the cloud for several seconds,

then wiggles out and continues swimming.




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Rhynchonerella petersi, ventral view of head, 100x



Vanadis formosa with everted proboscis



Torrea candida, head with everted proboscis



Torrea candida, teeth inside proboscis



Rhynchonerella moebii, Florida Gulf Stream, 70x



Rhynchonerella angelini with everted proboscis, 19x



R. angelini, dorsolateral view of head, 32x




Vanadis minuta, head, 110x