Technology and Wellness Innovations Research Lab

Selected Presentations

  • Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Kaye, J. L., Gershkovich, M., Goetter, E., Yuen, E. K., Glassman, L., Goldstein, S., Hitchcock, P., Tronieri, J. S., Berkowitz, S., & Marando-Blanck, S. (2017, November). Randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder: Symptomatic and behavioral outcomes. In Kaye, J. (Chair), Acceptance-based treatments in the context of established evidence-based interventions: Differential effects on behavior, quality of life, and symptoms. Symposium presented at the 51st annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.

  • Yuen, E. K., Stasio, M., Koterba, E., Patrick, R., Mansour, B., Barakat, K., Green, V., Ash, P., & Hamilton, W. (2015, November). The effects of social media on mood. Poster presented at the 49th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.

  • Yuen, E. K., Ash, P., Watkins, J., Zulaica, K., McNally, E., Stasio, M., & Goetter, E. M. (2014, November). Acceptance-based behavioral therapy for public speaking anxiety delivered via group videoconferencing. Poster presented at the 48th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Badour, C. L., Gros, D. F., Price, M., Yuen, E. K., & Acierno, R. (2014, November). Disability status as a predictor of exposure therapy completion in OEF/OIF veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. In T. Keane (chair), Service Connection among OEF/OIF Veterans: An Examination of Diagnostic Accuracy and Impact on Treatment. Symposium presented at the 30th annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, FL.

  • Herbert, J. D., Gerskovich, M., Yuen, E. K., Goetter, E. M., & Forman, E. M. (2014, June). ACT-based treatment of anxiety disorders via videoconferencing. In M. E. Levin (chair), Technology-based ACT interventions to support large scale behavior change. Paper presented at the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science 12th Annual World Conference, Minneapolis, MN.N

  • Yuen, E. K., Cooper, D. C., Mohr, D. C., Rizvi, S. L., & Ruggiero, K.  (2013, November).  Developing web-based and mobile applications for mental health interventions: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations.  Panel discussion presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN

  • Yuen, E. K., Gros, D. F., Price, M., Zeigler, S., Ruggiero, K. J., Tuerk, P. W., & Acierno, R. (2013, April).  Home-based telehealth service delivery of prolonged exposure therapy to Veterans with PTSD: Preliminary results.  In T. Keane (Chair), Application of new technologies to the prevention and treatment of PTSD.  Paper presented at the 2013 Anxiety Disorders and Depression Conference, La Jolla, CA.

  • Yuen, E. K., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Goetter, E. M., Juarascio, A. S., Rabin, S. J., McGrath, K. B., & Goodwin, C. L. (2013, April).  Videoconference-mediated exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder.  In E. M. Goetter (Chair), Implementing internet-mediated exposure therapy for various anxiety disorders: Research findings and clinical considerations.  Paper presented at the 2013 Anxiety Disorders and Depression Conference, La Jolla, CA.


  • Yuen, E. K., Gros, K., Welsh, K., Price, M., & Ruggiero, K. (2012, November).  Improving remote interventions through usability testing.  In E. K. Yuen (Chair), Developing high quality remote interventions for youth.  Paper presented at the 46th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD.

  • Yuen, E. K., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Goetter, E. M., Juarascio, A. S., Rabin, S. J., McGrath, K. B., & Goodwin, C. L. (2012, July).  Using Skype videoconferencing and Second Life virtual environments to deliver acceptance-based behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder.  In J. D. Herbert (Chair), Internet-based delivery of ACT: Legal, ethical, and  clinical developments.  Paper presented at the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science 10th Annual World Conference, Washington, D.C.

Student Presentations

  • Nerogic, A., Barrett-Clarke, A., Buzbee, H., Rolle, A., Rosenberg, L., Weis, G., Gangi, C., & Yuen, E. K. (2019, May). The enduring stigma of mental illness. Poster presented at the 14th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Barrett-Clarke, A., Weis, G., Buzbee, H., Stasio, M., Koterba, E., & Yuen, E. K. (2019, February). How Facebook usage affects mental health of college students: Rumination group results. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Jacksonville, FL.

  • Buzbee, H., Weis, G., Barrett-Clarke, A., Stasio, M., Koterba, E., & Yuen, E. K. (2019, February). The effects of Facebook use on cognition and emotion in college students: Positive reflection group. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Jacksonville, FL.

  • Weis, G., Barrett-Clarke, A., Buzbee, H., Stasio, M., Koterba, E., & Yuen, E. K. (2019, February). How Facebook Affects Cognition and Emotion in College Students: General Reflections. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Jacksonville, FL.

  • Bialas, A., Harrison, F., Buzbee, H., Pena, V., Shuman, T., Barrett-Clarke, A., Brunetti, A., Gangi, C., & Yuen. E. K. (2018, April). The effects of searching online for mental health information. Poster presented at the 13th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Del Vecchio, M., Russo, D., Cox, H., Espert, G., Hill, K., Cagnina, N., Koterba, E. A., Stasio, M. J., & Yuen, E. K. (2018, April). The relationship between Facebook use, rumination, and mood. Poster presented at the 13th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Harrison, F., & Yuen, E. K. (2018, April). The perception of memes in college students. Poster presented at the 13th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Harrison, F., & Yuen, E. K. (2018, March). The perception of memes in college students: Preliminary results. Poster presented at the Board of Trustees’ Special Session on Undergraduate Research and Inquiry, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Harrison, F., Brunetti, A., Cox, H., Espert, G., Rivera, B., Savastano, E., Shuman, T., Gangi, C., & Yuen, E. K. (2018, February). How online searches affect attitudes toward mental health treatment: Preliminary results. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Melbourne, FL.

  • Russo, D., Rodgers, R., Stogsdill, H., Del Vecchio, M., Bryant, N., Bialas, A., Pena, V., Koterba, E. A., Stasio, M. J., & Yuen, E. K. (2018. February). The effects of rumination on mood after Facebook use: Preliminary results. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Melbourne, FL.

  • Harrison, F., Farrington, R., White, R., Cox, H., Del Vecchio, M., Glazer, M., Knott, N., Martinez, A., Russo, D., Brunetti, A., Sheridan, K., Shuman, T., Koterba, E. A., Stasio, M. J., & Yuen. E. K. (2017, April). Relationship between Facebook, rumination, and mood. Poster presented at the 12th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Harrison, F., Martinez, A., White, T., Gangi, G., & Yuen, E. K. (2017, February). Searching for mental health information online. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Boca Raton, FL.

  • Barakat, K., Greene, V., Carr, C., Delevescovo, D., Elvidge, B., Harrison, F., Husbands, D., Killian, L., Quiros, V., Veronesi, V., Gangi, C., & Yuen, E. K. (2016, April). Searching for mental health information online. Poster presented at the 11th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Carr, C., Greene, V., Barakat, K., Veronesi, V., Ash, P., Mansour, B., Koterba, K., Stasio, M., Patrick, R., Gangi, C., & Yuen, E. K. (2016, April). Facebook’s effects on mood. Poster presented at the 11th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Greene, V., Barakat, K., Carr, C., Ash, P., Mansour, B., Veronesi, V., Koterba, E., Stasio, M., Patrick, R., Gangi, G., & Yuen, E. K. (2016, February). How Facebook use affects mood. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Tampa, FL.

  • Forte, S., Ash, P., Mansour, B., Hobar, E., McNally, E., & Yuen, E. K. (2015, April). Group videoconferencing and virtual exposure intervention for public speaking anxiety. Poster presented at the 10th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Levine, H., McNally, E., Gangi, C., & Yuen, E. K. (2015, April). How information affects the stigma of mental illness. Poster presented at the 10th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Mansour, B., Barakat, K., Greene, V., Yuen, E. K., Stasio, M., Koterba, E., & Patrick, R. (2015, April). The effect of facebook on mood. Poster presented at the 10th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • McNally, E., Levine, H., & Yuen, E. K. (2015, April). The effect of birth order on academic success. Poster presented at the 10th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL.

  • Ash, P., Watkins, J., Zulaica, K., McNally, E., & Yuen, E. K. (2014, April). Investigation of a group videoconferencing workshop for public speaking anxiety. Poster presented at the 9th Annual College of Social Sciences, Mathematics, & Education Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Tampa, FL. Awards: Top 6 & Students’ Choice.