Technology and Wellness Innovations Research Lab

Selected Publications

  • Yuen, E. K., Goetter, E. M., Stasio, M. J., Ash, P., Mansour, B., McNally, E. Sanchez, M., Hobar, E., Forte, S., Zulaica, K, & Watkins, J. (2019). A pilot of acceptance and commitment therapy for public speaking anxiety delivered with group videoconferencing and virtual reality exposure. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 47-54.        Download Article

  • Yuen, E. K., Koterba, E. A., Stasio, M. J., Patrick, R. B., Gangi, C., Ash, P., Barakat, K., Greene, V., Hamilton, W., & Mansour, B. (2019). The effects of Facebook on mood in emerging adults. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8, 198-206        Download Article

  • Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Kaye, J. L., Gershkovich, M., Goetter, E., Yuen, E. K., Glassman, L., Goldstein, S., Hitchcock, P., Shaw Tronieri, J. S., Berkowitz, S., & Marando-Blanck, S. (2018). Randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder: Symptomatic and behavioral outcomes. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 9, 88-96.        Download Article

  • Gangi, C. E., Yuen, E. K., Levine, H., & McNally, E. (2016). Hide or seek? The effect of causal and treatability information on stigma and willingness to seek psychological help. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 35, 510-524.        Download Article

  • Yuen, E. K., Gros, K., Welsh, K., Mccauley, J., Resnick, H., Danielson, C. K., Price, M., & Ruggiero, K. (2016). Development and preliminary testing of a web-based, self-help application for disaster-affected families. Health Informatics Journal, 22, 659-675.        Download Article

  • Price, M., Yuen, E. K., Davidson, T. M., Hubel, G., & Ruggiero, K. (2015). Access and completion of a web-based mental health treatment in a population-based sample of tornado-affected adolescents. Psychological Services, 12, 283-290.        Download Article

  • Rogers, S. M., Yuen, E. K., Zeigler, S., Tuerk, P. W., Cunningham, P. B., & Acierno, R. (2015). Barriers to completing treatment for veterans with PTSD. Victimological Advances in Theory, Policy, and Services, 249-257.       Download Article

  • Yuen, E.K., Gros, D. F., Price, M., Zeigler, S., Tuerk, P. W., Foa, E. B., & Acierno, R. (2015). Randomized controlled trial of home-based telehealth versus in-person prolonged exposure for combat-related PTSD in Veterans: Preliminary results. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71, 500-512.       Download Article

  • Davidson, T. M., Yuen, E. K., Felton, J. W., McCauley, J., Gros, K., Ruggiero, K. J. (2014). Feasibility assessment of a brief, web-based behavioral activation intervention for adolescents with depressed mood. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 48, 69-82.       Download Article

  • Goetter, E. M., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Yuen, E. K., & Thomas, J. G.  (2014).  An open trial of videoconference-mediated exposure and ritual prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28, 460-462.       Download Article

  • Price, M., Yuen, E. K., Goetter, E. M., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Acierno, R., & Ruggiero, K. J. (2014).  mHealth: A mechanism to deliver more accessible, more effective mental heath care.  Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 21, 427-436.        Download Article


  • Yuen, E. K., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Goetter, E. M., Juarascio, A. S., Rabin, S., Goodwin, C., & Bouchard, S. (2013).  Acceptance based behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder through videoconferencing.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 27, 389-397.       Download Article

  • Yuen, E. K., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Goetter, E. M., Comer, R., & Bradley, J. (2013). Treatment of social anxiety disorder using online virtual environments in Second Life. Behavior Therapy, 44, 51-61.       Download Article


  • Gros, D. F., Price, M., Yuen, E. K., & Acierno, R. (2013). Predictors of completion of exposure therapy in OEF/OIF veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 30, 1107-1113.       Download Article

  • Goetter, E. M., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Yuen, E. K., Gershkovich, M., Glassman, L. H., Rabin, S., & Goldstein, S. (2013). Delivering exposure and ritual prevention for obsessive compulsive disorder via videoconference: Clinical considerations and recommendations. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2(2), 137-143.       Download Article

  • Yuen, E. K., Goetter, E. M., Herbert, J. D., & Forman, E. M. (2012). Challenges and opportunities in internet-mediated telemental health. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43, 1-8.       Download Article

  • Forman, E. M., Chapman, J. E., Herbert, J. D., Goetter, E. M., Yuen, E. K., & Moitra, E. (2012). Using session-by-session measurement to compare mechanisms of action for acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive therapy. Behavior Therapy, 43, 341-354.       Download Article

  • Forman, E. M., Park, J. A., Goetter, E. M., Herbert, J. D., & Yuen, E. K. (2012). Long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial comparing acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive therapy for anxiety and depression. Behavior Therapy, 43(4), 801-811.        Download Article

  • Gros, D. F., Price, M., Strachan, M., Yuen, E. K., Milanak, M. E., & Acierno, R. (2012). Behavioral Activation and Therapeutic Exposure (BA-TE): An investigation of relative symptom changes in PTSD and depression during the course of integrated behavioral activation, situational exposure, and imaginal exposure techniques. Behavior Modification, 36, 580-599.        Download Article

  • Herbert, J. D., Goetter, E. M., Forman, E. M., Yuen, E. K., Erford, B. M., Milillo, J. J., & Goldstein, S. P. (2012). Crossing the line: Interstate delivery of remote psychological services. The Behavior Therapist, 35(8), 145-152.       Download Article

  • Strachan, M., Gros, D. F., Yuen, E. K., Ruggiero, K. J., Foa, E. B., & Acierno, R. (2012). Home-based telehealth to deliver evidence-based psychotherapy in veterans with PTSD. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 33, 402-409.       Download Article

  • Brown, L. A., Forman, E. M., Herbert, J. D., Hoffman, K. L., Yuen, E. K., & Goetter, E. M. (2011).  A randomized controlled trial of acceptance based behavior therapy and cognitive therapy for test anxiety: A pilot study.  Behavior Modification, 35, 31-53.       Download Article


  • Yeomans, P. D., Forman, E. M., Herbert, J. D., & Yuen, E. K. (2010).  A randomized trial of a reconciliation workshop with and without PTSD psychoeducation in Burundian sample.  Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23, 305-312.        Download Article