Volume 1: Spring 2017

This issue of Royal Road includes essays composed during the 2015-16 academic year. Students completed revisions during the fall semester of 2016.

Royal Road - Volume One cover

Editor's Introduction
Dr. Joseph Letter

"Do No Harm": An Evaluation of the Courts’ Decision-Making Policies in Overruling Children & Families’ Refusal of Treatment
Kayleigh Ross

Disillusioning the Youth: How Standardized Testing Reduces Learning Opportunity
Robert Pantano

Let Women Fight
Carla Shapira

Lustful Killings in Ciudad Juárez: A Look at “Femicide,” Machismo, and Roberto Bolaño’s “Precious”
Gregory Browne

Hysteria in Utopias: The Condition of Women in Bellamy and Morris
Katie Stockdale

Romantic Zombies: What Their Representation in Film Means for Racism
Emily Murphy

Levels of Parental Influence and the Effects on Children: Too Much, Not Enough, and Just Right
Michelle Gefroh

Contents © 2021. All rights reserved by Royal Road and its authors.