Editors' Introduction
Anika Schmid, Cassie Disharoon, and Charlotte Salowe
Human Germline Genetic Engineering: The Ethical Imperative in Due Time
Emma Sheehan
Beyond Baby Blues: Systemic Failures in Maternal Care
Alice DeCoteau
Animal Companionship for Children with ASD: The Physiological, Psychological, and Socio-Emotional Benefits
Faviola N. Collazo-Vélez
“Finance Is a Gun”: Capitalism and the Gangster Film
Marin Burke
Selling Masculinity: The Perpetuation of Fragile Masculinity in Advertising
Madeleine Bolivar Ortiz
Sustainable Subterfuge: How Greenwashing Hinders the Ability of Consumers to Choose Environmentally Sustainable Companies
Ashlyn Ellison
Is Florida Taking Sea Level Rise Seriously?
Destin Rothe